Ort: 6373 Jochberg
“The Hauserhof” - luxury farmhouse
in stunning location
- Plot size approx. 1.349 m2
- Total usable floor area approx. 560 m2
- Terrace area approx. 170 m2
- Rooms 6
€ 19.9 million
First-Class chalet with a view of the Südberge mountains
- Plot size approx. 329 m2
- Living/floor space approx. 308 m2
- Terraces and Balcony areas approx. 96 m2
- Bedrooms 4
€ 7.9 million
High-end luxury chalet with magnificent panoramic views
High-end luxury chalet with
magnificent panoramic views
- Plot size approx. 679 m2
- Living/floor space approx. 442 m2
- Total floor space approx. 600 m2
- Rooms 6
€ 14.5 million